Dominican Republic

have written a large number of articles over the years and
seemingly on topics that might seem to be unrelated to our own
business, but one thing we have espoused constantly during the
past 15 years has been our faith in the emerging markets – And
The Dominican Republic in Particular. Why do we feel
this way? Well, generally speaking it's the demographics
in both the developed and so-called emerging or undeveloped
markets, and the net effects of capital and manufacturing
relocating from the developed world to the emerging markets as
well. While the developed markets of North-America and
Europe are going to continue to struggle with aging
populations, extensive and unfunded social welfare liabilities
and what we think will be a continued decline in tax revenues,
the emerging markets are the proverbial last place team that
have no where to go but up.
It is true of course that such developing markets need to
contend with issues surrounding levels of poverty that are
certainly much higher than the developed world (although
statistics for social welfare seem to also show increased
poverty in the developed countries, not less). And it is
also true that such emerging markets have very youthful
populations that will need employment some day (in contrast to
the aging populations in the developed world), but these are
issues that can be improved through economic growth, which we
think is more attainable than resolution of the issues the
developed world currently faces. Simply stated another
way, we certainly think the emerging markets such as the
Dominican Republic will have an easier time achieving economic
growth than the developed world will have in paying off their
now contentious levels of debt.
In the case of the Dominican Republic specifically, GDP growth
for the first part of 2015 came in at a positive 6.5
percent. According the World Bank's March 2015 report,
GDP growth in the Dominican Republic has averaged around 5.5
percent annually between 1991 and 2013. In addition,
according to the World Bank's report titled Doing Business
2015, the Dominican Republic along with Jamaica and Trinidad
and Tobago featured among the countries that implemented the
most reforms in Latin America making it easier for local
entrepreneurs to do business. The World Bank also says
that The Dominican Republic has weathered the global economic
crisis well and in 2010 experienced one of the highest growth
rates in the region. National debt per capita is
US$3,500 in the Dominican Republic. In the United States
national debt per capita has been calculated out to about
US$60,000. National debt in the Dominican Republic
related to GDP is calculated at about 40 percent.
National debt in the United States is now over 100 percent of
GDP and the debt to GDP figures for many EU member countries
mimics the US. The top corporate and personal income tax
rate in the Dominican Republic is 30 percent, compared to
close to 50 percent (if not higher as is the case with Germany
at 56 percent) in many EU member countries. The latest
inflation numbers (as of August 2015) for the Dominican
Republic report less than one percent as (actual was half
However, real estate is the one area that is a bargain in the
Dominican Republic in comparison to similar properties in
other parts of the Caribbean. Simply said, your money
will go further when looking to purchase a home or condominium
apartment in the DR. According to Numbeo (,
housing costs are MORE THAN DOUBLE in Panama in comparison to
the Dominican Republic. In fact, on average, when
comparing real estate costs in the Dominican Republic to the
Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Curacao, Antigua, Trinidad &
Tobago, Puerto Rico, and the British Virgin Islands, Dominican
Republic homes cost HALF as much. In addition, annual
real estate taxes in the Dominican Republic are 1 percent of
the value in excess of about US$100,000. So, if you do
manage to purchase what would be a very upper end home for
US$300,000 – your annual tax bill would be about US$2,000 (or
equivalent obviously in the local currency).
In summary, while the so-called industrialized developed
nations have decided to drown themselves in debt and hope that
economic growth can pull them out of it, many of the emerging
markets are still growing and do not have the debt levels
anywhere near what they are in the developed world. For
this reason, we still are bullish on places like the Dominican
Republic and we think in the long run such nations will
continue to be better choices for living and working.