Does FATCA Signal The Demise Of The US Dollar?

A number of current US Passport holders are of course
concerned about the so-called FATCA
regulations that are being imposed upon foreign banks
(meaning non US banks) for reporting purposes (in the case
whereby such US citizens might have accounts abroad or
outside the US as a better way to say it). Considering
we have received a deluge of emails from our clients over
this topic, we thought it important to separate the wheat
from the chaff, as they say. In addition, in our
opinion, this absolute stupidity on the part of the US
Treasury at a time when foreigners already are reluctant to
invest in US Dollars, in US Banks or into US Government
Bonds only hastens the demise of the US Dollar as a currency
for trade settlement, and reserves abroad.
First and foremost it is important to understand what the
regulations actually say in terms of a reporting issue for
FATCA. Which is to explain that technically a
reportable event occurs when the individual US citizen with
the bank account abroad has more than US$50,000 at year's
end in the account, and or if they had US$70,000 (or more)
at any one time during the entire year in that same
account. Now with that said, are the foreign banks
going to write a computer program to sort out these
instances or are they going to report everything
regardless? Honestly, we cannot say and we cannot tell
you how each individual bank around the world is going to
handle it. What we can tell is that many banks, or at
least the ones we have talked to, are highly perturbed and
annoyed by all this. After all, it is an added expense
to write new computer code to request a program for all this
nonsense and the teeth of forcing compliance is really an
issue that could potential effect all of that bank's clients
that might have accounts in US Dollars, which are NOT US
order to understand all this, we need to back up a minute
and explain just how correspondent banking works, which is
what the term is when a bank outside of the US has a sort of
clearing account with a US based bank (for the purposes of
being able to transact and offer USD accounts to it's own
customers). Let us illustrate this idea using a
fictitious bank named Palm-Tree Bank, located on the
beautiful tropical island of Bogo, and Big-Bank of Chicago,
located in the US.
The nice people at the Palm Tree Bank have decided to offer
US Dollar savings accounts to it's own banking customers in
Bogo, and to allow their customers to deposit and clear US
Dollar checks, send and receive US Dollar wire transfers,
and so on. However, the national currency or money
used in Bogo is the Bogo Rupee. So, in order to offer
accounts and transactions in another foreign currency to
it's bank customers, they need to open what is known as a
correspondent relationship with a bank inside the country
that uses that other currency. In the case of US
Dollars, that would mean Palm-Tree Bank would need to
establish a correspondent account with some bank inside the
United States (Big-Bank in Chicago, using our made up
example). And if Palm-Tree Bank wanted to offer Euros,
they would need to do the same with some bank inside of the
EU. Japanese Yen, with a Japanese Bank in Japan – etc.
and so on.
The type of account that Palm-Tree opens with the foreign
bank is called a correspondent account, which is what can
also be called an Omnibus Account or Clearing Account, just
to name two terms that pretty much mean the same
thing. Which is to say, an account in the name of
Palm-Tree Bank containing ALL combined balances of ALL their
customers. In other words, collectively all of the
clients of Palm-Tree combined might have a total of US$50
Million Dollars and there is ONE correspondent account with
Big-Bank in Chicago, in the name of Palm-Tree with that
balance. The people at Big-Bank in Chicago have NO
idea who that money belongs to, they just know they have a
special correspondent account for Palm-Tree set up with
them. The accounting department at Palm-Tree of course
knows who is the owner of that money on an individual basis,
but the US Bank does NOT have a clue. This is a very
important point to understand because here is the rub.
The US Treasury Department (or
the Internal Revenue Service, perhaps more precisely) wants
to know what monies US citizens have abroad in a particular
bank, in a particular country. So, they go to Big-Bank
in Chicago and they ask: Who are all the individual US
citizens banking at Palm-Tree Bank in Bogo, which we know is
a correspondent customer of yours? Big-Bank in Chicago
says dunno, go ask them. They do, and Palm-Tree Bank
says we have very strict confidentiality laws here in Bogo
and we cannot release this information to you without a
court order from OUR Supreme Court and it has to be relevant
to a specific client, not a witch hunt to find out who all
our clients are. So, here is the AHA moment.
The US authorities get this brilliant idea that they will
coerce such information from all these foreign banks abroad
through the threat of confiscation (or in our opinion, the
set up for a bail-in, but not of a bank but rather of the US
Treasury). They pass a DOMESTIC law or regulation
inside the United States telling all other countries to
comply because they just passed a law inside the US that
says so. Come again? So that means that Germany
passes a law saying it's own citizens must wear yellow pants
on Tuesday – AND they are telling Canada, Mexico, China and
every other country on the planet that they MUST enforce
this law inside their own respective countries IF there are
any German citizens there on a Tuesday (give me what you
guys are smoking because it must be really, really good
Get Away From US Dollars - Get Away From Problems
But if that is not insane and
preposterous enough, the problem is the teeth or fine
involved if the foreign bank does not comply OR if the US
authorities think (as in let's just make some stuff up we
are not really sure about) that the foreign bank is not
coming clean 100 percent. And the fine is a 30 percent
confiscation of the funds held in Palm-Tree's US based
correspondent account with Big-Bank in Chicago (read theft,
robbery, involuntary donation, or whatever other terms suits
you). Now, presumably one would guess and assume (if
one actually believes the law works the way it should, and
fairness abounds) that they are only going to deduct the 30
percent belonging to a particular US citizen that they are
sure about and are sure of his balance. But what if
they are wrong (we all know the IRS never makes mistakes,
excuse me while I cough up a fur ball). What if, not
only are they wrong about the individual person in question
being a US citizen, but wrong about the balance amount as
well? What if, just for fun, they deduct 30 percent of
Palm-Trees US$50 Million Dollar balance that belongs to ALL
their customers, whomever and where ever they might be
from? Now we are talking about a bail-in scenario –
and this is why one solution would be NOT to even bother
with any US Dollar accounts at all. And the reason is,
despite all the rhetoric, the only thing they have access to
and can confiscate are the US Dollars housed or domiciled
inside the US banking system. If you have no USD, you
have no assets to grab.
Now I know what you are thinking (and you would be correct)
in that right now the US Dollar still is used extensively in
trade settlement, etc. So, to simply say you are going
to eliminate US Dollars altogether (especially if you
operate a business) is very difficult to do. But we
are talking about today, right now, and not maybe 6 months
from now, one year from now, or three years from now.
There are a number of changes taking place in the world
economically and politically to indicate other currencies
are going to dominate and or maybe even some kind of gold
settlement as well used instead. The Chinese currency
is one such monetary unit that other countries are
embracing. And to highlight this point, we think it
very interest and very telling that the retail arm of the
Central Bank in the Dominican Republic has recently
announced they will start conducting business for it's
retail customers in Chinese Yuan. And if it is now
starting with Banreservas (the retail banking part of the
Dominican Central bank), then it certainly will eventually
be rolled out to all the other private banks in the country.
Why We Think This Means The Demise Of The US Dollar (Long Term):
With all this said, you may
view these comments as being anti-American and they are
NOT. It is the politicians, the corruption and the
ineptitude that has created the situation today and not the
individual hard working citizens and businessmen trying to
get away from it all. Let us take a short walk down
history lane to explain. First the US Banks throw
common sense and sound business practices out the window and
begin issuing mortgages with no money down and no income
documentation (where were the banking regulators we might
ask?). If you could fog up a mirror, you probably
could have obtained a US$1 Million Dollar mortgage from a US
Bank prior to 2007. Of course the banks could care
less because they knew these mortgages would not stay on
their books, rather to be re-sold to Wall Street
firms. The Wall Street firms then packaged all these
risky and unsound mortgages to individual investors, foreign
banks and even foreign governments. Doing so all the
while with US based credit rating agencies claiming these
were AAA rated investments. But wait, it gets even
better. Then, after that bubble blows up the US
Federal Government and the US Federal Reserve decide it
would be a wonderful idea to solve a debt problem by doing
what? By having the US Federal Reserve and US Federal
Government take on even more debt to prop up the foolish and
insolvent US banking concerns that did all this. But
how in the world can any government simply issue more debt?
Easy, by creating more money out of thin air.
So, what do foreigners see in terms of the US Political and
Financial system in terms of what has gone on over the past
1. Many large
so-called too big to fail banks have done just that, if not
declaring so explicitly then implicitly. And where are
the US Banking and Financial regulators? Asleep at the
wheel, all inside a country declaring to the rest of the
world it's superiority regarding regulation, rule of law and
so on.
2. Wall Street Firms
and now the banks that have bought or created their own
financial units to offer stock brokerage services have been
engaged in flash trading, front running and other sorts of
nonsense to cheat the very customers they claim they are
protecting (Read an excellent and recent book titled: Flash
Boys by Michael Lewis to understand what has gone on).
And we repeat: Where were the government regulators with all
this going on?
3. US Securities
rating agencies, promoting themselves as being the most
honest and untainted sources of true information for
investors had been rating sub-par quality investments as
AAA, when they were not. But, the rating agency
brokerage firm relationship had been corrupted by fees paid
to the rating agencies by the brokerage firms, who felt
compelled to rate this junk as the brokerage firm wanted
(less see their income dry up and go elsewhere). And
again we ask: Who is watching or rating the rating agencies?
4. And now there is
a new politically acceptable paradigm on the block,
affectionately known as a bail-in. And what that means
is if any bank goes kaput, the local government in the
country where the bank is located thinks it a wonderful idea
that the bank solve it's problems by taking money away from
the bank's own depositors. What's worse, right after
this happened in Cyprus, a talking head from the European
Central Bank and banking officials in Canada turned around
to say: Yeah, what a great idea.
So, let us say you are a foreign bank watching all this take
place. And remember, a foreign bank with a
correspondent account in another bank located in another
country for the sole purpose of being able to conduct
business in that other countries currency is a customer
too. This means, the bail-in thing would apply to them
also. And the final cherry on top is a threat
by the US Treasury to take money out of the foreign
bank's account IF they do not comply with what US
authorities want in terms of turning over information, even
though it might be against the law to do so in the country
where the foreign bank is located. What would you
do? Would you want to risk it and continue using the
US Dollar or offering accounts or services in US Dollars IF
another viable, stable and more honest currency came
along? Think about it.