Is It Time To Renounce US Citizenship?
has been some items in the news recently regarding the US
State Department's decision to increase the fee for the US
citizenship renouncement process, increasing the cost to
US$2,350 – which is ten times what some other countries charge
should you decide to exit stage left. And aside from the
fee increase, a few of our own clients are reporting that the
US consulates are so backed up with requests for citizenship
renouncement that they are giving appointments to do so up to
one year out in some cases. And even if it is the case
you can get an appointment right away, it has been taking up
to 10 months is some cases for them to process your
request. However, that should not come as a surprise
considering a new record of US citizenship renouncements was
set again for 2015, with 4,279 people opting out. When
you realize the annual number about 10 years ago was about 250
annually, you can blatantly see that each year the number have
been growing. But is there a less costly and quicker way
to do it? Perhaps, all depending on which word you
decide to use.
To illustrate this idea, I am reminded of a high school social
studies teacher back in the late 1970's or early 1980's right
about the time when Jordache Jeans, and other so-called
designer jeans were becoming popular in the US for the first
time. The teacher asked his students what the difference
was between designer jeans and dungarees? His answer was US$50
(back then anyway). And so we ask the question: what is the
difference between relinquish and renounce in terms of giving
up your status in 2016? The answer apparently is
Renounce US Citizenship -
Relinquish US Nationality: What Is The Difference?
So, what then is the real difference between these two words
(relinquish and renounce)? Well, the dictionary
definition of the word relinquish includes: to give up, to
release, to yield, to withdraw or retreat from. The
definition of renounce is given as: to repudiate, to give up,
refuse, or resign usually by formal declaration.
Both words supposedly indicate to give up, BUT in terms of the
US State Department use of these words and as it relates to
citizenship and or nationality they pertain to two different
things. Renouncement is used specifically in conjunction
with US CITIZENSHIP and it involves a formal and intended
written declaration, in black and white with no doubt about
your actions or motives. Relinquishment, on the other
hand, specifically refers to US NATIONALITY and is an
affirmation regarding something you may have already done with
respect to your acquiring another nationality (and
citizenship). To explain, by electing to relinquish
nationality at the US consulate, you are affirming that you
took an oath of allegiance to another country (possibly and
probably verbally) or voluntarily was naturalized in a foreign
country, or took a routine oath of allegiance to a foreign
state, or served in the armed forces of a foreign state not
engaged in hostilities with the United States, or had accepted
non-policy level employment with a foreign government.
It is interesting to note that IF one of the above
circumstance might apply to you (you obtained naturalized
citizenship in another country and took an oath as part of
that process), you are NOT considered to have relinquished
your US Nationality unless you affirm so at the US
Consulate. And even the language and information from
the US State Department about this supports the claim whereby
their web site says:
A U.S. citizen by birth or naturalization or a U.S.
non-citizen national will lose U.S. nationality (expatriate)
her or himself by committing a statutory act of expatriation
as defined in INA 349 (8 U.S.C. 1481), or predecessor statute,
but only if the act is performed (1) voluntarily and (2) with
the intention of relinquishing U.S. citizenship. The
U.S. Supreme Court has spoken (Afroyim v. Rusk, 387 U.S. 253
(1967) and Vance v. Terrazas, 444 U.S. 252 (1980)): a
person CANNOT LOSE U.S. NATIONALITY unless he or she
In plain English, you may or may not have INTENDED to
relinquish your US Nationality based upon something you had
done previously (such as swear an oath as part of a swearing
in ceremony for your new citizenship in another country) and
the US State Department will NOT assume you have unless you
say so. With regards to your desire to renounce, that
term specifically refers to citizenship and is a formal
written declaration you are making regardless of anything you
might have done in the past. It is theoretically
possibly to renounce citizenship but keep nationality (using
the broader non legal definition of nationality), although
that is NOT what is going to happen as far as the US State
Department is concerned. However, if you relinquish
nationality then you are also relieving yourself of
citizenship as a consequence (because citizenship was granted
to you as a consequence of nationality). But there is somewhat
of a conundrum which we will discuss a bit in more detail
later on (The question is: Can a government can take away
something they issued, such as citizenship, but can any
government legally take away your nationality, something you
acquired by nature and circumstance?).
Nationality in the generic sense refers to where you were born
and citizenship is a legal status indicating you were
registered with some government (and you were given state
issued documents, such as a passport, to prove your
affiliation). Nationality is theoretically with you for
life (if you were born in Kalamazoo, Michigan then nothing nor
no one can take away from the fact that you were born
there). However citizenship on the other hand, can be
voluntarily acquired or renounced because it is a legal status
issued by governments and can be independent of or in addition
to your nationality. For example, a person born in Kenya
that migrated to Canada and became a Canadian Citizen, could
be classified as their Nationality = Kenya but Citizenship =
Canada. And to expand upon that, such a person could
really also hold citizenship in Kenya, which means two
citizenships, one nationality (again, using the broader
definition of being a place you were born). Of course,
using the legal definition of nationality (swearing an oath of
allegiance), then Canada could consider that person a national
(and a citizen) in addition to Kenya (dual citizenship, dual
Wikipedia defines
the difference between the two as follows:
Citizenship is the status of a person recognized under the
custom or law of a state that bestows on that person (called a
citizen) the rights and the duties of citizenship. That may
include the right to vote, work and live in the country, the
right to return to the country, the right to own real estate,
legal protections against the country's government, and
protection through the military or diplomacy. A citizen may
also be subject to certain duties, such as a duty to follow
the country's law, to pay taxes, or to serve in the military.
A person may have multiple citizenships and a person who does
not have citizenship of any state is said to be stateless.
Nationality is often used as a synonym for citizenship in
English – notably in international law – although the term is
sometimes understood as denoting a person's membership of a
nation (a large ethnic group). In some countries, (such as)
the United States, the United Kingdom, nationality and
citizenship can have different meanings. Nationality
affords the state jurisdiction over the person and affords the
person the protection of the state. The most common
distinguishing feature of citizenship is that citizens have
the right to participate in the political life of the state,
such as by voting or standing for election.
The noun national can include both citizens and non-citizens.
By custom and international conventions, it is the right of
each state to determine who its nationals are. Such
determinations are part of nationality law. In some cases,
determinations of nationality are also governed by public
international law—for example, by treaties on statelessness
and the European Convention on Nationality.
Blacks Law
Dictionary Defines Nationality as Follows:
That quality or character which arises from the fact of a
person’s belonging to a nation or state. Nationality
determines the political status of the individual, especially
with reference to allegiance; while domicile determines his
civil status. Nationality arises either by birth or by
Blacks Law
Dictionary Defines A Citizen as Follows:
In general, A member of a free city or jural society,
(civitas.) possessing all the rights and privileges which can
be enjoyed by any person under its constitution and
government, and subject to the corresponding duties.
All this discussion about the semantics of these words is well
and good, but what is the application of all this in the real
world (and how do you save yourself the 23 Benjamins)? Well,
with regards to the type of paperwork, process and fees
involved, if you want to renounce your citizenship, there is
an interview process (and more than one actually), plus forms
and documentation to complete and a bureaucratic process
involved (and because of all the work involved, the US State
Department is saying they now want the US$2,350 to compensate
for all this time and bureaucratic work load – although the
same work load was there when the fee was about US$400).
HOWEVER, If you want to visit the consulate and declare
instead to a consulate officer that you have obtained another
nationality, swore an oath and that it was your intent to
voluntarily relinquish your US NATIONALITY, then there
supposedly is a one page short form document to complete and
no gorilla sized bite to you wallet. Quick and
easy. In fact, directly below is what is stated on the
US State Department site with the related link:
Persons Who Wish To
Relinquish U.S. Nationality
If the answer to the question regarding intent to relinquish
nationality is yes, the person concerned will be asked to
complete a questionnaire to ascertain his or her intent toward
U.S. nationality. When the questionnaire is completed and the
voluntary relinquishment statement is signed, the consular
officer will proceed to prepare a Certificate of Loss of
Nationality of the United States. The certificate
will be forwarded to the Department of State for consideration
and, if appropriate, approval.
An individual who has performed any of the acts made
potentially expatriating by statute who wishes to lose U.S.
nationality may do so by affirming in writing to a U.S.
consular officer that the act was performed voluntarily with
an intent to relinquish U.S. nationality. A U.S. national also
has the option to formally renounce U.S. nationality abroad in
accordance with INA Section 349 (a) (5) .
So, the act of citizenship renouncement is a convoluted,
bureaucratic and aggravating mess of a process that requires
two separate interviews and costs US$2,350 but relinquishment
of nationality involves a fairly painless one step visit (or
so it would seem by the State Department's own
information). BUT, there is a catch in that the US State
Department can deny your stated desire to relinquish (which is
decided from Washington, D.C. where supposedly the document is
sent by the US consulate you had visited). In fact, we
have heard of some circumstances whereby this was the case and
the person was instructed to renounce citizenship instead, and
fork over the dough (do not pass go, and please DO pay the
toll of US$2,500). So, just be aware of this possible
But, just for fun, let us now throw a monkey wrench into all
this and let you know that there are some persons out there
who are US Non-Citizen Nationals walking around with a US
Passport. What's that you say? They have a US
Passport but are not US Citizens? Yes. Some people are
US Nationals (with a US State Department issued passport) but
NOT US Citizens and can apply for a US Passport via form DS-11
at any passport office. And this brings us back to the
argument once again of what is nationality, what is
citizenship, and how do these two things legally differ.
Can they legally differ? Can any government legally,
ethically, morally separate you from your NATIONALITY?
Your CITIZENSHIP perhaps yes under the argument that because
it was the government that issued or granted citizenship
status BASED UPON THE FACT that you were born inside the
territory and are thus a national by birth, by nature (again
under one definition but perhaps not another). Are there
any real life cases of someone being a national that had to be
granted citizenship by special legislation of the
government? Yes – the Native American Indians. In
fact, after being granted US Citizenship, they are also
citizens of the Indian Tribe Political or Governmental Body
which is considered a separate and legal jurisdiction inside
the territorial boundaries of the US. And so, Native
American Indians have One Nationality in theory, Two
Citizenship's in practice.
US Citizens Are Also US
Nationals (But The Opposite May Not Be True)
is what the US State Department says:
ALL U.S. CITIZENS are U.S. NATIONALS but only a relatively
small number of persons acquire U.S. nationality WITHOUT
becoming U.S. citizens. Section 101(a)(21) of the INA defines
the term national as a person owing permanent allegiance to a
state. Section 101(a)(22) of the INA provides that the
term national of the United States includes all U.S. citizens
as well as persons who, though not citizens of the United
States, owe permanent allegiance to the United States
(non-citizen nationals).
Certificate Of Loss of
In terms of obtaining proof that you have indeed expatriated,
it is also VERY interesting to note that they will give you
(if you request it) a COLN or CLN, which is the abbreviated
terminology for a Certificate of Loss of Nationality, BUT they
will NOT give you a similar document stating you renounced
citizenship. You probably do not believe me, so again
here is what the US State Department Says:
As the Department has received few requests, there is no
justification for the creation of a non-citizen national
certificate. Designing a separate document that includes
anti-fraud mechanisms was seen as an inefficient expenditure
of resources.
Our question is why not? They view the non citizenship
certificate as a waste of resources and want to save the poor
tax-payers their hard earned money – but is there another
reason? After all, nationality and citizenship are
defined as two different things even though these terms are
often thought of by the general public as being synonymous and
interchangeable. Why not simply offer a document that BOTH
certifies loss of Nationality and loss of Citizenship at the
same time? What are the legal ramifications (if any) of
relinquishing nationality (which under the legal term means
oath of allegiance) but not renouncing citizenship
(citizenship meaning a status conferred by a government as
indicating membership, for lack of a better way to say
it)? If you can be a national without being a citizen –
then can you be a citizen without being a national?
According to the US State Department's own wording above,
nationality can be acquired without citizenship, being
mentioned as a separate and stand apart status.
We are informed that the Fourteenth Amendment to the US
Constitution does not provide any procedure for revocation of
United States citizenship. Under the Supreme Court precedent
of Afroyim v. Rusk, loss of 14th-Amendment-based U.S.
citizenship is possible only under the following
Fraud in the naturalization process (technically this is not
loss of citizenship, but rather a voiding of the purported
naturalization and a declaration that the immigrant never was
a U.S. citizen). Voluntary relinquishment of
citizenship. This may be accomplished either through
renunciation procedures specially established by the State
Department or through other actions which demonstrate an
intention to give up U.S. citizenship. Such an act of
expatriation must be accompanied by an intent to terminate
United States citizenship.
Why would someone need to declare intent to terminate US
Citizenship IF they are relinquishing nationality or otherwise
phrased: Why differentiate the two if they are in deed legally
synonymous? Or are they? Remember that in this context
expatriation refers to nationality and one would conceivable
need to request termination of citizenship as an independent
and distinctly separate matter.
According to US Code 1101:
The term national means a person owing permanent allegiance to
a state. The term national of the United States means
(A) a citizen of the United States, or
(B) a person who, though not a citizen of the United States,
owes permanent allegiance to the United States. The term
naturalization means the conferring of nationality of a state
upon a person after birth, by any means whatsoever.
In any event, all of this has been a philosophical exercise to
probe and ask why there are differences in terminologies and
if so, what legal or other distinctions might come with
it. After researching a number of white papers written
on the subject by a plethora of lawyers from various countries
specializing in international law, the bottom line is that the
topic is a rabbit hole (and you may find yourself chasing
rabbits with a clock around their neck as you try to figure it
all out). Each country has the right to define who is a
national or their country and who is not. In addition,
issues of citizenship and how it is acquired also can differ
from country to country. So, the bottom line is, there
is no one size fits all rule or statute internationally in
terms of how nationality and or citizenship is determined.
Interestingly enough, the US State Department warns about the
perils of dual nationality (they specifically use the term
nationality and not citizenship). They claim one might fall
into trouble because the laws might be different in one
country versus what they are in the US, possibly leaving the
US National with a problem. Of course, they also
conveniently leave out the part regarding the possible
benefits and advantages of dual nationality (or dual
citizenship) that might befall the US national as well.
To highlight this point, there was a situation a few years ago
involving a US national (citizen) that went to the island
nation of Antigua to set up an on-line gambling
operation. As it turned out, such a business was illegal
in his previous home US State and for whatever reason he
decided to not do the business in Las Vegas. The
gentleman, as it turns out, was quite successful with the
business and apparently did very well financially living in
and running his business from Antigua. One day, the US
men in black paid a visit to the island nation seeking the
extradition of the former US National on the grounds he was
violating US law. They went to the Prime Minister of
that country to personally present the kidnapping papers
(excuse me, I meant to say very legal and lawful extradition
documents). Well, as it turned out, the Prime Minister
told the US suits that they loved the particular person in
Antigua. He lawfully and legally set up a new business
that generated new jobs and more importantly much needed
additional tax revenue for the country. He was a model
citizen and paid all of his taxes. Why in world should
we extradite him – asked the Prime Minister? Well, replied the
suits with the documents, he is doing something we do not like
and is violating US law. The Prime Minster replied – We
are not in the US here and he is breaking NO laws at all in my
country. And that was the end of that.
Now, I am not suggesting you acquire another citizenship or
nationality to set up a gambling business (although you can if
you want to). But, you can apply the general idea to a
number of things, be it business ventures, investments,
whatever the case may be. Having another nationality or
citizenship gives you options and choices.
Getting back to where we started, it would appear that
renouncement of citizenship costs you 2300 bucks, but
relinquishment of nationality costs you nothing. So,
that is seemingly where the rubber hits the road at least
where you wallet is concerned. Although I have no
illusions that this will continue indefinitely as US
Consulates are a revenue earning operation for the US
Government. I could expect to see them charge 2300
smackers for the questionnaire as mentioned above for the
relinquishment process, even though technically your own
affidavit should in theory suffice for such a purpose.
The decision to give up citizenship or nationality is a
difficult one for some people and an emotional one in some
cases as well. However, we think it to be an act of
survival for the middle class, small business owners and
really anyone who holds the opinion that they do not want to
be a burden on the government (in terms of welfare benefits,
whatever) but on the same token, they do not want the
government to be a burden upon them either (via reduced civil
liberties and ever higher taxes to pay for a crumbling welfare
state, not to mention bailouts for the banking
industry). With all that said, there are US citizens
(and nationals) that will say they love their country and
could never either renounce or relinquish. Then again,
if you speak with Tina Turner I am sure she will reply by
asking the question: What's Love Got To Do With it?
About The Author: This article was written by John Schroder of Ascot Advisory Services. John's firm has been helping clients in the Dominican Republic for the last 17 years with residency application services, naturalized citizenship filing, banking assistance and legal services pertaining to real estate (title transfers, legal representation at closing, sales contract review). You can contact him by telephone at 809-756-1917 or click the about the author link above to reach a contact page to send an email directly.