Offshore Banking: Still Viable In 2016?
are quite a number of people that are interested in hearing
more about offshore banking, tax free bank accounts, banking
in many currencies in one bank, and related matters. The
problem really is a lack of information on the Subject and the
tainted commentary from those with an agenda to discourage the
idea of banking abroad (I am referring to most high tax
welfare state governments). Here are some of the facts
and also some answers to the mostly commonly asked questions
we have received over the years from our own clients.
A good number people are under the impression that such an
idea is only for the very wealthy, CIA super spy types, or
even criminals. The fact is that most people who do
establish a bank account offshore are not any of these
things. They are average people just like you, that
either want to take advantage of investment opportunities not
available in their home country, or want to safeguard their
savings by having it safely tucked away someplace else.
Regardless of what the motivations are, it is not illegal for
you to have a banking or investment account abroad. This is a
key and very important point, which we will discuss a bit
further later on. Also, while some governments do not
like to see their own citizens with funds, shall we say, out
of reach - the only thing of concern is of course that such
citizens pay any applicable taxes on the earnings (more of
this later on as well).
First and foremost, what is an offshore bank or offshore
account? Most people affiliate the term offshore banking
with a bank located in some idyllic palm tree lined tropical
tax haven. The truth of the matter is, the term offshore
really means anywhere outside of where you are living or
residing right now. If you are an American living in the
United States, and happen to have a bank account in Canada -
then it could be said that the Canadian Bank Account is
offshore for you. Similarly the same case is true with a
German citizen, living in Germany, but banking in the United
States as well (and the US happens to be one of the best tax
havens for non US citizens, which is laughable considering the
US Government's point of view with their own citizens).
This brings us to a very interesting point. Many
countries have policies, laws or regulations in place that
allow for bank account interest to be tax-free either for its
own citizens, foreigners only or maybe both. In fact,
there are many, many countries where this is true and it makes
perfect sense. The United States, as just one example,
allows for foreigners (non US citizens) to enjoy no or zero
local taxation on any capital gains resulting from stock
investments via a US brokerage account. The idea is to
encourage foreigners to invest in the US stock market.
However, if you are an American Citizen, then you might feel
this is very unfair since you have to pay taxes for the same
thing - and the foreigner pays nothing. On the other
hand, you can be the foreigner someplace else and get the same
benefits (much to the chagrin of the US Tax Authorities, which
is one of the reasons we see such recent legislation as the
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and other such
initiatives (and take note why dual citizenship can be
important, even though some people think that is no longer
Exploring this idea a bit further, the first group of places
you might consider are some of the so-called traditional
English speaking tax havens in Europe or the Caribbean, such
as Switzerland, The Isle of Man, The Channel Islands, The
Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Panama, and so on. However, the
fact of the matter is you should probably NOT focus on some of
these places. Some of these jurisdictions have already
buckled under pressure are not advantageous jurisdictions any
longer at least as far as true privacy is concerned.
Banks, Investment Firms or Life Insurance companies located
elsewhere, while perhaps making no changes to current
legislation, such as the Isle of Man using just one example,
may simply refuse to accept you as a client simply because you
are a US or EU country resident (or citizen). Stated
another way, a reporter once asked the famous bank robber,
named Willy Sutton, why he robbed banks. Willy Sutton
promptly replied: Because that is where the money is.
Similarly, the high tax welfare states have (the US mainly,
but we are seeing some of the same draconian initiatives
coming from other countries as well) have gone after all the
traditional tax haven locations because they think anyone with
an offshore account must have one there, in one of these
places. US tax authorities have of course focused
attacks on places such as the Bahamas, Bermuda and other
English speaking jurisdictions located fairly close to the US
mainland, because they assume - that is where the money
is. Likewise Switzerland of course has always been a
focus of attack for the European Union nations, as they
struggle to vacuum money up from their citizens as well.
Tax Free Banking in Other
As we already have mentioned, there are a large number of
countries that allow foreigners to bank or invest in their
country - on a tax-free basis. Every country is really
in competition with each other to find foreign investment
capital, and making this attractive certainly makes
sense. In the past, it was the OECD (Organization for
Economic Development) and the WTO (World Trade Organization)
that claimed they were trying to root out what they claim was
unfair tax competition and harmful trade practices. The
bottom line or simple translation is, they wanted to kill the
competition. It is very ironic though, that one of the
main supporters of these organizations, the United States, has
not taken away their OWN tax incentives for foreigners to
invest in the US, but of course they want every else to do
away with such things. They even went so far to mix it
up with the European Union, in essence asking the Europeans to
act as tax collectors and reporting agents in terms of US
citizens banking or investing with financial institutions in
Europe. The Europeans said sure, and now you can do the
same for us in terms of Europeans that have all those tax-free
brokerage accounts inside the US. The US politicians
said: Well, Umm, we do not know, Umm, Ah, Umm, we have to get
back to you. And so it was left. Then they
started chasing a few Arabs hiding out in the mountains of
Afghanistan (now in 2016 the new bad guys are in Syria – they
sure do get around these bad guys, and they have nice new
Toyota pickup trucks as well). Then they brought up the
subject again, although now the reason is catching bad guys
with bank accounts and not taxes. So, the reason for
these pressures have changed, but the goal is still the same -
make it as difficult and cumbersome as possible for citizens
to have accounts elsewhere (outside the home country).
However just to get back to the who is going to act first
scenario (acting as either a tax reporter or tax collector for
another country), it is quite ironic to note that when the
shoe is on the other foot, it never quite fits just
right. Which leads us to the most recent piece of
nonsense coming out of the US known as the Foreign Account Tax
Compliance Act, passed in 2010 with the intent of being
implemented in 2014, but had been extended to 2015 in terms of
implementation. Now of course in 2016 it is in play, so
to speak, but Americans are not up the creek completely.
Incredibly enough, in such a piece of domestic US legislation,
we have the case of one country passing a law that is aimed at
and supposed to be enforced by every other nation on the
planet. Talk about nerve or what is called Chutzpah in
Yiddish (Cojones in Spanish). Yes Sir, do as we say, not
as we do. However, as an item of interest for current US
citizens, it should be noted that there are reporting
threshold amounts. To explain further, according to the
US Internal Revenue Service: IF the total value (of an account
offshore or outside the US) is at or below $50,000 at the end
of the tax year, there is no reporting requirement for the
year, unless the total value was more than $75,000 at any time
during the tax year. And: Taxpayers who do not have to
file an income tax return for the tax year do not have to file
Form 8938, regardless of the value of their specified foreign
financial assets. The link is here if you want to read
it for yourself:
Anyway, there are many, many countries you would never even
think of as being a great place to bank or invest - yet they
are out there just the same. And many individual banks
are not in agreement with this FATCA business, even though
their own respective governments have signed the
agreement. Plus, some of these places are
not on the radar screen, which is probably why they have not
come under attack. So, the idea is to forget about the
so-called tax haven countries or the nations on the black list
(of very naughty countries that have no taxes, or very low
taxes). For obvious reasons, I will not mention them
all, but for example, have you ever thought about banking in
Asia? Even one of the EU countries can be a great place
providing you are not a resident from one of the EU member
nations. In fact, some of the countries with the highest
income tax rates in the world for their own citizens often
enough provide tax-free banking policies for foreign owned
Why an offshore bank account
You do not need to be a millionaire, in order to have access
to savings accounts in other currencies, gold or other kinds
of investment options, etc. Many banks will allow you to
establish a savings account in US Dollars for anywhere from
US$500 up to $2,500 or more (it all depends upon the bank). In
addition, you will gain access to three things I am sure you
do not have at the moment: Privacy, the ability to enjoy bank
account interest free from local taxation or low taxation all
depending upon the jurisdiction, and certainly in some cases
personal attention with your banking services beyond what you
have at the moment. Today's banking industry is highly
regulated yet private, physically far away yet very accessible
via e-mail - fax or telephone, attentive yet discreet about
your affairs. In addition, access to your money is
always possible with a bank or Visa debit card that is
accepted worldwide. However, the ability to have accounts in
different currencies, or the ability to access investments not
available at home is not the only reason some people make seek
out an offshore, or non-local account.
Asset protection and protection from a banking bail-in in the
previous home country is of course the other motivation.
With this said, there as those that claim the offshore banking
industry caters to criminals, be they political or
otherwise. For sure, there certainly may be these types
of people setting up such accounts or investments.
However, it is not the vast majority and of course no
financial institution wants to willingly get mixed up with a
client that can cause problems down the road. So, this
argument attacking issues such as zero taxation or zero
reporting (banking privacy) is sort of like attacking everyone
that has a cell phone simply because some criminals have them
also. In other words, the logic of the argument is, all
criminals use cell phones to conduct business therefore anyone
with a cell phone must be a criminal - no? This logic is of
course ridiculous, but just the same it is the theory put
forth to the general public in order to sell the idea of a
crack down.
In any event, the truth of the matter is, many people might
establish accounts abroad to safeguard against potential local
threats in their own home country - war, civil uprising,
government confiscation, lawsuits and so on. What many
governments do not like it when citizens have the ability to
move funds to another country, as it can make it even that
much more difficult to confiscate it or track it. In
terms of tax collection it is much of the same thing.
Which is to say, how many governments are willing to report
accounts or assets owned by foreigners inside their own
country to another government? How many governments are
willing to act as a tax collection agent or reporting agent
for another government? There is no incentive for
this. Plus, in some cases, bank account interest may be
tax-free in a particular country, which translates into the
fact that such accounts are not even reported to the local
government where the account is located, never mind anyone or
anywhere else. In other cases, banking privacy might be
codified into law, making the reporting illegal. However, once
again using the United State as one example of a country
leading the charge against banking privacy issues and offshore
banking in other nations, it is very ironic that many
foreigners keep assets inside the US for the very reasons we
just mentioned. In addition, in many cases, the US
government has refused to turn over assets or even allow the
reporting of such assets to other governments, so the
hypocrisy is quite blatant (and ironic).
Banks if many offshore jurisdictions do offer a number of
services that you are currently accustomed to, plus some
additional services as well. For those investors seeking
time deposits in foreign currencies, foreign exchange, and the
personal attention of a bank officer that may be in a position
to help with more than just banking ~ then an offshore banking
relationship is ideal. Contrary to popular belief, such
services are not always expensive either. Competition has
meant that more services than ever are available to banking
clients, with fees that are highly competitive, or at least
less expensive that you might think.
Most offshore banks will look for references from your
existing bank in order to establish a relationship. In
addition, since your relationship will most likely be a very
personal one, many require that you visit the bank to sign
signature cards and other account forms. Some banks may
permit an account to be established by mail, but the majority
have taken the cautious route after being forced to due so
under pressures from the US regarding money laundering. The
truth of the matter is, this pressure seems to be more of a
tactic to make it more difficult for the average person to
move their funds offshore (with regards to taxes) than to
combat illegal activity. Regardless, this is the current
situation for many banks in both tax haven and non tax haven
countries. Since the majority of individuals are honest
and hard working people, it is hard to imagine that the goal
of any client is geared in this direction. This is why
we say, its about taxes (or what we would like to refer to as
non voluntary confiscation), not money laundering.
Is Your Money Safe With A
Foreign Bank ?
This is probably the number one question that we hear, and
quite frankly an understandable one. For US citizens
especially, this concept of FDIC insurance is one that makes
them fearful of banking in another country or
jurisdiction. In reality, most modern banking
jurisdictions have very strict and stringent regulations in
place to ensure liquidity, and the safety of depositors.
These regulations or systems may be different than what exists
where you are doing your banking now, but that does not mean
that the protection is less. As a case in point with
both the Dominican Republic and Panama (two banking markets we
know the best), a central banking system exists to regulate
local banking and to ensure stringent accounting
practices. In both cases, a banking license is not so
easy to obtain. Banks must prove certain reserve or
capital requirements before they can even open their doors to
the public. In addition, special reserve deposits are
maintained with the central bank at all times. And if you have
the time and the desire, you should investigate the current
state of affairs regarding the solvency of the US Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (if it were any other true
insurance company, it would have been shut down years ago by
regulators due to a failure of adequacy to pay off ALL
depositors supposedly covered with the funds on hand).
In other words, without access to additional tax-payer funds,
this so-called insurance company would have been considered a
sham in the real world - and certainly a disincentive to put
your money into a US bank (assuming that was the deciding
factor for you). And let us not forget the possible
prospect of a so-called bail-in sometime down the road should
it come to that. After Cyprus, officials in the European
Union and even Canada said in writing they thought such a
thing was a potentially good idea for any future banking
problems (and remember that Cyprus had a government run
banking insurance program as well, at the time of the banking
crisis there). With many of these government run banking
insurance schemes operating in murky waters (financially
speaking), we do not put it past any of them to not only
refuse to pay par value, but they may force bank account
holders to take a haircut as well (and we are not talking
about the salon or barber shop kind either).
In any event, getting back to the topic at hand, what we
mentioned above is often in contrast to some other
jurisdictions, where Brass Plate banks may be permitted.
The meaning of a Brass Plate bank is, a bank that perhaps is
legitimate, but is operating from an obscure location with
just a few employees and a bare minimum of operating
capital. This is the type of bank most people are
fearful of, and is also the type of bank that has caused
problems for investors in the past. It is ironic, but
the majority of the problems of this kind have all seemed to
have surfaced in English speaking - Common Law
jurisdictions. It is quite interesting that some
countries whereby people are most afraid to invest (I am
thinking about Latin America) often have stricter banking
regulations and requirements than the English speaking
countries in the same region. Go figure.
How Do You Know The
For starters, we suggest you look for a local bank that is
operating as a regular full service bank. In other
words, choose a bank that has local depositors and not just
foreign clients. Since in some jurisdictions, bankers
actually go to jail if they mismanage customer or the bank's
funds, you can be well assured that a bank, which is serving
the locals, is one that will be well scrutinized. This
is especially true if local businessmen, and government
officials, have their money on deposit. Local depositors
and businessmen are no less concerned about the safety of
their money than you are. So, just because the front
door to a bank located offshore does not say FDIC on the
window, it does not mean it is unsound or unregulated.
Often enough, it is more secure if it is located in a country
that takes regulatory responsibilities seriously. We
contrast this to the US savings & loan scandal from a few
years back, which had taken place. Many of the bankers ended
up playing golf, with the US tax payer footing the bill for
the bail out. Depositors were paid, some after two years
of waiting and plenty of paper work (and after the government
raised additional account insurance money from the sale of
bonds to cover the huge short fall in the old FSLIC - The
Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corp., the sister
insurance company to the FDIC). A safety net for
depositors is only as good as the material it is made from -
or the people managing it.
We look for, and suggest, local full service or commercial
banks to our clients that meet certain standards. In
truth, size is not as important as is the quality of
management, accounting practices and services. There are
a number of very large banks, or banks with that seem to be
good because they have many branch offices, that we in fact
stay away from for this very reason (lack of quality or
competence in one or more of these areas). Bigger is not
always better.
Is It Legal For A US Citizen
To Have An Offshore Bank Account ?
We often get this question, and the answer is Yes ~ it is
perfectly legal for a US citizen to own an offshore bank
account, offshore annuity policy or offshore mutual
fund. The only stipulation is the folks at the IRS want
to make sure they know about it, so you can pay taxes on the
interest or earnings. While citizens from many countries
still benefit from a tax-free banking status in their home
country of citizenship (if they can provide proof they are non
residency and not living in the citizenship country any
longer), we have to wonder how long that may last when
considering the various financial problems still facing many
nations in Western Europe, Canada, etc. Which is to say
that the recent banking problems and related bail-outs are
only one instrument in the orchestra playing the funeral
dirge. All these countries have or are reaching
unmanageable national debt to GDP ratios, underfunded social
welfare and pension systems, etc.
Since many banks or investment firms in other countries do not
report customer account information to foreign tax authorities
(or their own government for that matter), it is the
responsibility of the account holder to do so. However,
if you are a US citizen, then the exception to this rule might
be the US Bank located in a foreign country, that you think it
is an oh-so-safe bank simply because it is a bank owned by a
US banking entity (a bank in another country with same name as
a US bank, is really a locally licensed bank that is a wholly
owned subsidiary). Many US banks with divisions abroad
(we will use the word division rather than branch, because it
really is not a branch of the US bank at all) have started to
voluntarily reporting accounts owned by US citizens to US tax
authorities already a few years ago. This is quite
interesting when you consider that they may not be required to
report to the local government where they are located and
probably do not do so, yet they are reporting account
information to what is technically a foreign government (the
US is our example). Not only that, many people will feel
warm and fuzzy thinking they have an account with a certain
well known large bank, because they think it is the very same
bank they know of back in another country. Not so.
The bank in a foreign country with the well known large bank
name is a local bank, separate and apart legally from the
parent company in another country. This is very
important to understand, because the parent bank in another
country is not legally responsible to step in and save the
day. You may think that they are morally responsible to
do so, but what you may think and what a board of directors
from the parent bank in another country might think, might be
two very different things. You want a real life
example? Look no farther than Argentina. The nice people
in Argentina thought the foreign owned banks would be safer
for the same moral reasons you might think, but they were
sorely mistaken. Many of the foreign owned banks folded
up and the parent bank in another country simply wrote them
off. The local banks in Argentina however, stayed the
course and are still open today. They had no choice but
to weather the storm. The other foreign owned
banks? They yanked their money out and ran, leaving
depositors high and dry (regardless if the account holders
were foreigners or locals).
I would say I good idea is to use what I like to call the visa
approach, and no I am not referring to a credit card.
When anyone applies for a tourist or travel visa to visit
another country, the consulate usually looks for or ask for
certain things such as proof of home ownership, proof of a
job, bank account, etc., etc. What they are really looking for
are ties to the country. In other words, they want to
see of the person has some reason to come back and not an
incentive to stay in the other country illegally. The
same thing can be applied to banking. Which is to say,
make sure there is some reason the bank will not cut and
run. Of course, there is much more to it than that when
choosing a bank, but certainly the argument (and proof) is
there when it comes to a local bank versus a foreign owned
Banking is another country does not necessarily mean risk and
it not an idea for criminals either (see our article about
Rhett Butler on the main directory page). Also, with the
communication mediums we have today (telephone, fax, internet)
it is very possible to live in one country and bank in two,
three or more countries abroad for different reasons. In
fact, many money managers often seek out higher returns for
bank deposits globally and move assets around accordingly to
take advantage. While this idea was very difficult for
the average investor many years ago, today it is very possible
and maybe even necessary (if you are living off the income
from your investments or deposits). So, do not be
dissuaded from those that would have you believe that banking
or investing in another country is a foolish idea. In
reality, the reverse is true. However, just like
anything else is life - do your homework, investigate, read
and look around. What you find out may very pleasantly
surprise you.
About The Author: This article was written by John Schroder of Ascot Advisory Services. John's firm has been helping clients in the Dominican Republic for the last 17 years with residency application services, naturalized citizenship filing, banking assistance and legal services pertaining to real estate (title transfers, legal representation at closing, sales contract review). You can contact him by telephone at 809-756-1917 or click the about the author link above to reach a contact page to send an email directly.